Material compliance at Schneider Kabelsatzbau

The demands placed on our products and materials are becoming increasingly complex. In addition to the usual technical requirements, these include compliance with material-specific specifications resulting from laws, regulations, standards, guidelines and customer specifications.

This increases our responsibility as a cable manufacturer to monitor compliance throughout our supply chain. In addition to material restrictions, we also consider the origin and extraction of the necessary raw materials.  

“Sustainability is not just about the end product, it is also about the journey.”


Various declarations and self-declarations on this topic can be found in our download centre. 

Mit unserem “Compliant-Logo" bestätigen wir eine

  • konforme Produktion unter der Beschränkung gefährlicher Stoffe
  • keine nachteilige Beeinflussung der Umwelt oder der menschlichen Gesundheit
  • Sorgfaltsprüfung bei Konfliktmineralien (Abbau & Handel)
  • Transparente Dokumentation über konfliktfreie Herkunft
  • Nachkommen unserer Informationspflicht